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Mobile Market

In partnership with the Greater Boston Food Bank, Charles River Community Health is pleased to announce the launch of a Mobile Market.  We will provide fresh produce to our patients on the third Tuesday of each month in the parking lot of the Joseph M. Smith Building in Brighton.

All patients are eligible to receive fruits and vegetables, there is no income requirement, but participants will be asked to provide basic demographic information and answer brief food access questions.  This information will be kept confidential, and only shared with the GBFB.

We can only distribute one share of fresh fruits and vegetables per household, and patients must call or come to the health center to pre-register with one of the Community Health workers.  Patients are asked to bring reusable bags and can come to pick up on that day.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold bags for anyone – no exceptions.

We are in need of volunteers on the third Tuesday of each month between 1:30 – 3:30pm to help with the disctribution.  If you know of anyone that could volunteer in any of all of those dates, please send them our way!  A great incentive for volunteers is that anyone who helps will be able to take home about 30 ponds of produce home!

For more information, or to register click here!