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Joseph M. Smith Building Sign Dedication

Pictured from left to right: Christel Gianci, Vladimir Stevens, Councilor Mark Ciommo, Elizabeth Browne (Executive Director), Representative Kevin Honan, Susan Kearns, Julie Moran (Board Chair), Melvin Scovell, Carol Bradlee, Joseph Smith Jr., Karen Smith, Hyacinth McLaren, Al Wallis, Katy Kehoe, Sam Wallis

Karen Smith, daughter of Joseph M. Smith, and several members of her family gathered with elected officials and Charles River Community Health Board members, Advisory Board members, and managers to celebrate the installation of the Joseph M. Smith signage beautifully and prominently displayed on the front of the new Brighton site.  The sign was made to commemorate the crucial role Joseph M. Smith had in working with neighbors to found the health center and tirelessly work to ensure the Allston-Brighton community received the health care services needed.  A wonderful time was had by all.